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2D Tools and Effects

The Fill Effect

The Fill tools are located in the Fill section of the Inspector. You can choose to fill an object with a color, texture or shading effect by clicking on the Color, Texture or Shading button at the top. The Texture and Shading tools are described in separate sections of the documentation.

Fill panel

1 – Turn the Fill effect on or off.

2 – The Plain Color tool.

3 – The Gradient tool. Its settings are located below.

4 – The angle of the gradient effect.

5 – Gradient type: Linear, Radial or Oval. The difference between Radial and Oval gradients is noticeable when the gradient is applied to a rectangle. The "sphere" created by the gradient is cropped with the Radial type and deformed with the Oval type.

Radial gradient:

Radial gradient

Oval gradient:

Oval gradient

6 and 9 – The basic gradient colors. The circles are handles. To change a color, click on the corresponding handle. To make one of basic colors take more space in the object, move the handle towards the middle of the gradient.

7 – Swap the basic colors.

8 – The middle gradient color. To change the location of the middle color, move the handle towards one of the basic colors.

10 – The library of pre-designed gradients.

11 – Add or delete intermediate colors. These colors appear between the two basic ones.

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