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Live Interior 3D Keyboard Shortcuts


Working with Projects

Cmd-N Create a new empty project.
Cmd-Shift-N Create a new project by using the Assistant.
Cmd-O Open an existing project.
Cmd-W Close the active project.
Cmd-S Save the active project.
Cmd-Shift-S Save the open project under a new name.
Cmd-Q Quit the Application.
Cmd-P Bring up the standard print dialog for printing the 2D layout.

Working with Objects

Cmd-Z Undo the last operation.
Cmd-Shift-Z Redo the last operation.
Cmd-X Cut the selected object(s) to the Clipboard.
Cmd-C Copy the selected objects to the Clipboard.
Cmd-V Paste the content from the Clipboard into the project.
Cmd-D Duplicate the selected object.
Del Delete the selected object.
Cmd-A Select all the objects in the document.
Cmd-1 Activate the selection tool.
Cmd-2 Activate the wall drawing tool.
Cmd-3 Activate the floor drawing tool.
Cmd-4 Activate the ceiling drawing tool.
Cmd-5 Activate the Measurement tool.
Cmd-6 Activate the Ceiling Opening tool.
Arrow Move the selected object in the 2D view. Walk in the 3D view.
Arrow-Shift Move the selected object in the 2D view (by larger increments).
Cmd-G Group the selected objects.
Cmd-Shift-G Ungroup the selected objects.
Cmd-Shift-V Display the selected object in the 3D view.

Working with Windows and Panels

Cmd-"+" Zoom In.
Cmd-"-" Zoom Out.
Opt and mouse wheel Zoom in or zoom out.
Cmd-' Show the floor plan at 100%.
Cmd-M Minimize the active window.
Cmd-W Close the active window.
Ctrl-Cmd-F Enter or exit the full screen mode.
Cmd-, Bring up the application Preferences dialog.
Cmd-R Show or hide the rulers.
Cmd-\ Toggle from 2D to 3D view and vice versa.
Cmd-I Open or close the Inspector window.
Cmd-E Open or close the Environment window.
Cmd-Opt-S Show or hide 3D rendering statistics.
Cmd-0 Fit the floor plan to the 2D window.
Space-Drag Scroll the 2D view using the mouse. This way you can use the pan tool without deactivating the currently active tool.

Working with the Mouse

Cmd-Mouse Turn the snap mode on or off in the 2D view.
Option-Mouse Duplicate objects in the 2D view.
Shift-click Select/deselect the object without changing the selection of other objects (can be used for multiple selection).

Walking in 3D view

Up Arrow (or W) Move forward.
Down Arrow (or S) Move backward.
Left Arrow Turn to the left.
Right Arrow Turn to the right.
Cmd-Up Arrow (or Q) Tilt the camera up.
Cmd-Down Arrow (or Z) Tilt the camera down.
Option-Up Arrow (or E) Move the camera up.
Option-Down Arrow (or C) Move the camera down.
Option-Left Arrow (or A) Move the camera leftward.
Option-Right Arrow (or D) Move the camera rightward.
Space-Drag Look around staying in the same place.
Space-Opt-Drag Move around the point located in the center of the 3D view.
Cmd-Opt-[mouse scroll] Move the camera up or down.
Opt-[mouse scroll] Move the camera to or away from the center of the screen.

Moving Objects in the 3D View

Cmd-Drag Move an object with temporarily disabled the Glue By option. It is used to rip an opening out of the wall. The object moves horizontally.
Cmd-Otp-Drag Move an object with temporarily disabled the Glue By option. It is used to change the object elevation.

* Drag means you move the mouse pressing down the right key.

Using Trackpad Gestures in the 3D View

Scroll up or down with two fingers Move the camera forward or backward horizontally.
Scroll left or right with two fingers while
holding down Cmd
Rotate the camera left or right.
Scroll left or right with two fingers while
holding down Shift
Move the camera leftward or rightward.
Rotate with two fingers Rotate the selected object.
Pinch with two fingers Move the camera to or away from the center of the screen.
Scroll up or down with two fingers while
holding down Opt-Shift
Tilt the camera up or down.

Using Trackpad Gestures in the 2D View

Scroll with two fingers Scroll the 2D view.
Rotate with two fingers Rotate the selected object.

Pinch with two fingers

Zoom in or out at the cursor position.