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Backing up the Object and Material Libraries

The object and material libraries are not a part of your project, nevertheless they may store some user's content.

The program has the possibility to back up objects and materials added to the library by the user. There is no option to back up the standard library because you can restore it by reinstalling the program.

To create a backup, select the File > Back up Library… command in the main menu. The Add previews to the backup option allows or disallows the program to add object previews to the backup. Without the previews, the backup will be slightly smaller. As soon as you import from a backup without previews, the program will recreate them.

To import your objects and materials from a backup, choose File > Restore Library… The Merge with the existing library content option lets you choose what to do with customized content already present in the libraries. If merging is deactivated, all customized objects and materials will be removed from the library before restoring the content from the backup. When merging is allowed, the content of the backup will be added to what you currently have in the libraries. In case of a conflict (e.g. same object name in the library and backup), the program will keep an object already present in the library as opposed to replacing it with one from the backup.