Creating Archived Backups

Archive File Names

The backup archive name reflects the chosen backup method and the creation time. The following format is used:


method – backup method: "full" – full, "incr" – incremental;
project – the name of the backup project;
YYYY – the year of the creation (for instance, 2016);
MM – month (for instance, 02);
DD – day (for instance, 11);
hh – hour (for instance, 16);
mm – minutes (for instance, 05);
ss – seconds (for instance, 14);
_lp – present in all file names;
ext – file extension (see below).

For example, the archive name "full_Documents_2016-02-11_16-05-14_lp.tgz" tells us that it is a full archive and it was created on February 11, 2016 at 16:05:14, with compression enabled.

File Name Extensions

The file name extension indicates whether or not the archive was compressed, encrypted or split into parts. If multiple features are activated, multiple extensions will be attached to the file name one after another.

Extension Compression Encryption
.tgz +
.tar.bfe Blowfish
.tgz.bfe + Blowfish
.tar.3des Triple DES
.tgz.3des + Triple DES
.tar.aes128 AES-128
.tgz.aes128 + AES-128
.tar.aes256 AES-256
.tgz.aes256 + AES-256

Backup archives may be split into parts (the Archive size limit option in the Backup Properties). The consecutive parts will have the additional extension added in the end. The extension consists of three letters that change in the alphabetical order depending on the part number: – part 1;
.tar.aab – part 2;
.tar.aac – part 3;
and so on.